Desktop environment based on Fvwm


Module FNS-CompConfigurator

Module FNS-CompConfigurator

FNS-CompConfigurator can only be invoked by fvwm. Command line invocation of the FNS-CompConfigurator module will not work.


FNS-CompConfigurator is used to configure composition like shadows, fading, translucency, and more. Supported composite managers are: xcompmgr and compton.


Composite Manager

A composite manager is capable to render drop shadows and, with the use of the transset/transset-df utility, primitive window transparency.

Two composite manager are supported:


XcompMgr is the standard composition manager for the X Composite extension. It implements shadows, fading, proper translucency, and more.


Compton is a compositor based on xcompmgr. In addition to shadows, fading and translucency, it implements window frame opacity control, inactive window transparency, and shadows on argb windows.


Enable Shadows

Enable client-side shadows on windows.


Desktop windows (with _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP) never get shadows.

On Docks / Panels

Painting shadows on panels and docks.

While drag’n'drop

Draw shadows on drag-and-drop windows.


Specifies the opacity of shadows. Values are 0.0 - 1.0, default is 0.75.

Blur Radius

Specifies the blur radius for shadows in pixels. Default is 12.

Left Offset

Specifies the left offset for shadows in pixels. Default is -15.

Top Offset

Specifies the top offset for shadows in pixels. Default is -15.

Shadow color

Specifies the RGB colors of shadows. Default is 000000 (black).


Enable Fading

Enable in/out fading of windows.

On Opacity changed

Enables the fade effect when windows change their opacity, as with transset.

On Open / Close

Enables fade effect when windows open or close.

Fade-in Steps

Opacity change between steps while fading in. Values are 0.01 - 1.0, default is 0.028.

Fade-out Steps

Opacity change between steps while fading out. Values are 0.01 - 1.0, default is 0.03.

Fade Step Time

Specifies the time (in milliseconds) between steps in a fade. Values > 0, default is 10


Opacity in Menus

Default opacity for dropdown menus and popup menus. Values are 0.0 - 1.0, default is 1.0.

Additional Parameters

Enter here paramters which are not accessible with the configurator. For more parameters see manpages of xcompmgr or compton.


© 2016 Thomas Funk <>